How to Change GGPlot Facet Labels

How to Change GGPlot Facet Labels


This article describes how to change easily ggplot facet labels.


Related Book

GGPlot2 Essentials for Great Data Visualization in R


Load required packages and set the theme function theme_light() [ggplot2] as the default theme:

  theme_light() + theme(legend.position = "top")

Basic ggplot with facet

Create a box plot filled by groups:

# Load data and convert dose to a factor variable
ToothGrowth$dose <- as.factor(ToothGrowth$dose)

# Box plot, facet accordding to the variable dose and supp
p <- ggplot(ToothGrowth, aes(x = dose, y = len)) + 
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill = supp), position = position_dodge(0.9)) +
p + facet_grid(dose ~ supp)

Change the text of facet labels

Facet labels can be modified using the option labeller, which should be a function.

  • In the following R code, facets are labelled by combining the name of the grouping variable with group levels. The labeller function label_both is used.
p + facet_grid(dose ~ supp, labeller = label_both)

  • A simple way to modify facet label text, is to provide new labels as a named character vector:
# New facet label names for dose variable
dose.labs <- c("D0.5", "D1", "D2")
names(dose.labs) <- c("0.5", "1", "2")

# New facet label names for supp variable
supp.labs <- c("Orange Juice", "Vitamin C")
names(supp.labs) <- c("OJ", "VC")

# Create the plot
p + facet_grid(
  dose ~ supp, 
  labeller = labeller(dose = dose.labs, supp = supp.labs)

  • An alternative solution to change the facet labels, is to modify the data:
df <- ToothGrowth
# Modify the data
df$dose <- factor(df$dose, levels = c("0.5", "1", "2"), 
                  labels = c("D0.5", "D1", "D2"))
df$supp <- factor(df$supp, levels = c("OJ", "VC"),
                  labels = c("Orange Juice", "Vitamin C")
# Create the plot
ggplot(df, aes(x = dose, y = len)) + 
  geom_boxplot(aes(fill = supp)) +
  facet_grid(dose ~ supp)

Customize facet labels appearance

# Change facet text font. Possible values for the font style:
  #'plain', 'italic', 'bold', 'bold.italic'.
p + facet_grid(dose ~ supp)+
      strip.text.x = element_text(
        size = 12, color = "red", face = "bold.italic"
      strip.text.y = element_text(
        size = 12, color = "red", face = "bold.italic"

Change facet background color

The rectangle around facet labels can be modified using the function element_rect().

p + facet_grid(dose ~ supp)+
   strip.background = element_rect(
     color="black", fill="#FC4E07", size=1.5, linetype="solid"

Version: Français

Comments ( 17 )

  • Sfer

    Another great and very useful post,
    (with clear code examples).

    Thanks you again, Kassambara.
    You are a Pro!.

    San Francisco

    • Kassambara

      Thank you SFer for your feedback, always appreciated!

  • Fringse

    Thanks for these information!
    On top of what you describe here: How can I change the font of only once facet and leave the others untouched?
    Say have one facet label in italic and the others in plain?

    • Kassambara


      I don’t know how to modify the font of only one panel. If you find any solution, I would appreciate if you can share it.

  • Indy

    This is a great tutorial – thanks!
    Can you provide some examples of how to change the legend elements (title, names) – the usual way doesn’t seem to work.

  • Brian Mwangi

    I have a facet wrap of 30 plots; I want to increase the margin between the axis title and the plot and also each plot to have its own custom y-axis range. I have tried a bunch of options but they ain’t working. I would appreciate your help.

  • DinaP

    Such a helpful and useful post with clear examples of each step. Thank you! from newbie in R

    • Kassambara

      Thank you for your positive feedback!

  • ArkSta

    Dear Kassambara,
    Thank you for the excellent statistics lesson and data presentation. The best tutorial I’ve ever seen !!!
    I have a question, is it possible to introduce special characters (e.g. superscript / subscript) to panel labels?

    • Kassambara

      Hi ArkSta, thank you for the positive feedback, highly appreciated!

      You want labeller = label_parsed. Here’s a simple example

      # Data preparation
      df <- ToothGrowth
      df$dose <- factor(
        levels = c("0.5", "1", "2"),
        labels = c(
      # Plot
      ggplot(df, aes(x = supp, y = len)) + 
        facet_wrap(~dose, labeller = label_parsed)

      plot of chunk add-superscripts-to-facet-labels

      • ArkSta

        Thank you very much for your time and quick reply.
        I have a slightly different problem because I built ggbarpolt based on the ggpubr package and then split them into panels based on the formula = “xyz”
        In this case, is it possible to introduce special characters to the panel labels?

        • Kassambara

          In the current version, ggpubr doesn’t support the argument labeller = “label_parsed”, so you can go as follow:

          # Plot
            df, x = "supp", y = "len", add = "mean_sd",
   = "dose"
            ) +
             facet_wrap(~dose, labeller = label_parsed)
          • ArkSta

            Dear Professor!

            Works perfectly !!!

            Again thank you very much 🙂

            Best regards,

      • J.C.

        Thank you! This was a huge assist!!

  • Anand

    Hi Kassambara.
    Is there a way to remove the facet plot titles completely?

    • Kassambara

      To remove the facet labels completely, you can use something similar to the following R code:

      # Facet default 
      p <- ggplot(ToothGrowth, aes(x = supp, y = len)) +
        geom_boxplot() +
        theme_bw() +

      plot of chunk removing-facet-labels

      # Remove facet title
      p + theme(
        strip.background = element_blank(),
        strip.text.x = element_blank()

      plot of chunk removing-facet-labels

  • Johannes Rauh

    Thank you, these examples are a good amendment to the documentation.

    One quick comment: Instead of
    dose.labs <- c("D0.5", "D1", "D2")
    names(dose.labs) <- c("0.5", "1", "2")
    it is easier to write:
    dose.labs <- c("0.5" = "D0.5", "1" = "D1", "2" = "D2")

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