Welcome to Datanovia

Master data science with our step-by-step Practical Guides and new Real-world case studies every month.

Engage in practical learning of data mining from start to finish --  processing data, performing statistics, predictive analytics, machine learning and visualization to help you turn your data into information and make decision.

Developing scripts and packages in R to simplify your workflow and automate data-related tasks including R package and R Shiny application development.

Gain expertise in cancer genomic data analysis, including differential expression analysis, NGS data processing, pathway enrichment analysis and visualization, survival analysis, patients' molecular classification for precision medicine.


About Courses

At Datanovia, 300 000+ visitors come each month for original, high-quality and inspirational contents to learn statistical methods and tools for great data analysis and visualization.

We offer data science courses on a large variety of topics, including: R programming, Data Processing and Visualization, Machine Learning, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics.

With our free account you can access all free courses and the first chapter of our premium courses. By subscribing, you gain unlimited access to all courses and tutorials.

Instead of buying courses individually, claim your membership account now for accessing to all of our premium contents and to obtain course completion certificates.

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Each course leads to a certificate. After completion, you will automatically receive in your profile a certificate of completion.


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Silver Member
$4.99 1 Month

(S2Member Level 2)

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$9.99 3 Months

(S2Member Level 3)

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$19.99 1 Year

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  • Course completion certificates
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