1 1Share # Load required R packages library(ggpubr) library(rstatix) # Data preparation df <- tibble::tribble( ~sample_type, ~expression, ~cancer_type, ~gene, "cancer",...
1 1Share # Load required R packages library(ggpubr) library(rstatix) # Data preparation df <- tibble::tribble( ~sample_type, ~expression, ~cancer_type, ~gene, "cancer",...
R codes are provided for creating a nice box and whisker plot in R with summary table under...

# Load required R packages suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggpubr)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) # Example of data from statistical tests stat.test <- tibble::tribble( ~supp,...
# Load required R packages suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(ggpubr)) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(dplyr)) # Example of data from statistical tests stat.test <- tibble::tribble( ~supp,...

1 1Share Prerequisites # Load required R packages library(tidyverse) library(rstatix) library(ggpubr) Data preparation We’ll use the anxiety dataset [in the...
1 1Share Prerequisites # Load required R packages library(tidyverse) library(rstatix) library(ggpubr) Data preparation We’ll use the anxiety dataset [in the...

Prerequisites # Load required R packages library(tidyverse) library(rstatix) library(ggpubr) Data preparation We’ll use the self-esteem score dataset measured...
Prerequisites # Load required R packages library(tidyverse) library(rstatix) library(ggpubr) Data preparation We’ll use the self-esteem score dataset measured...

1 2121 7Shares Prerequisites # Load required R packages library(tidyverse) library(rstatix) library(ggpubr) # Prepare the data and inspect a random sample...
1 2121 7Shares Prerequisites # Load required R packages library(tidyverse) library(rstatix) library(ggpubr) # Prepare the data and inspect a random sample...

11 121 1 7Shares Prerequisites # Load required R packages library(tidyverse) library(rstatix) library(ggpubr) # Prepare the data and inspect a random sample...
11 121 1 7Shares Prerequisites # Load required R packages library(tidyverse) library(rstatix) library(ggpubr) # Prepare the data and inspect a random sample...