R package is a wrapper for the Highcharts javascript library including shortcut functions to plot R objects.
The highcharter
package contains two main functions for creating plots:
- highchart(): This function creates an interactive Highchart chart, which can be rendered on HTML pages generated from R Markdown, Shiny, or other applications. This function is very similar to the function
[in the ggplot2 package], where a base ggplot object is defined upon which further geometric layers can be added. Similarly, Once thehighchart()
function is defined further highchart elements can be added on top of it. - hchart(): This is a generic function for creating various R objects. The resulting graphics can be further customized using the implemented API. This function is similar to the function
[in the ggplot2 package].
This article provides a quick overview of possible graphics that can be generated using the highcharter package.
I took this on line course, but certificate is not available.