You will learn how to create interactive density distribution and histogram plots using the highcharter R package You will learn how to create an interactive Bar Plot in R using the highchart R package. You will learn how to create an interactive line plot in R using the highchart R package. Describes how to create an interactive boxplot in R using the highcharter R package. Describes how to create an interactive scatter plot in R using the highchart R package. Provides a practical guide for Docker Wordpress production deployment. Provides a practical guide for Docker Wordpress production deployment. Provides a practical guide for Wordpress local development using docker compose. Shows an example of Wordpress Docker setup files for local development on either Windows, MAC or Ubuntu. Provides a template to easily configure the deployment of multiple websites on one server IP or on one droplet from digitalocean. Reverse-proxy, nginx configuration files and SSL certificate are created automatically for each website running in a Docker container