
This area is specifically curated to support your learning journey in data science using R and Python programming. Here, we have compiled a comprehensive set of learning materials, datasets and tools designed to enhance your understanding and skills.

Journal Articles

Name Description Author
acm Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) quarto-journals
acs American Chemical Society (ACS) quarto-journals
agu American Geophysical Union (AGU) quarto-journals
biophysical Biophysical Journal (BJ) quarto-journals
elsevier Format for journals published by Elsevier quarto-journals
jasa American Statistical Association (ASA) quarto-journals
jss Journal of Statistical Software (JSS) quarto-journals
plos Public Library of Science (PLOS) quarto-journals
arxiv Style and template for paper preprints (based on NIPS style) mikemahoney218
tandf Taylor and Francis style. mikemahoney218
sportrxiv Manuscripts for the SportRxiv preprint server. smnnlt
computo Template for contribution to the Computo journal. computorg
asm Quarto template for ASM mSystems. kelly-sovacool
apsr American Political Science Review (APSR) christopherkenny
ieee Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) dfolio
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