
This content offers a comprehensive guide on working with figures in Quarto documents, including:

  • Basic figure inclusion and customization of size using width and height attributes.
  • Enhancing figures with links, titles, alignments, alt text, and lightbox features for larger view.
  • Cross-referencing figures within the text for cohesive documentation.
  • Organizing figures in groups, panels, or multiple rows/columns for structured presentation.
  • Adjusting caption locations and creating complex layouts for detailed visual arrangements.
  • Managing figures generated by executable code blocks with specific chunk options for ID, caption, alignment, and size.
  • Employing the layout attribute for both static and computational figures to achieve desired visual layouts.
  • Utilizing block layout techniques to structure content effectively in multi-column formats.

Each section provides syntax examples and practical tips for effective figure management in documentation, making it an essential resource for enhancing visual elements in your content.

Figure Basics

Include a figure:


Figure Sizing

Specify width and height attributes to change the figure size, for example:

# Use convention measurements
# Or use percentage
# Or use inches

The height will be calculated automatically if you only specify width.

Linked Figures


Figure Title, Alignment and Alt Text

![Elephant](elephant.png "Title: An elephant"){fig-align="left" fig-alt="A drawing of an elephant." width=20%}

Cross References

Cross-referencing can be done for both static markdown and computational figures.

Markdown Figures

  1. Add fig- prefix to figure IDs for cross-referencing.
  2. Reference figures using @ prefix:
![An Elephant](elephant.png){#fig-elephant}

See @fig-elephant.


Figure 1: An Elephant

See Figure 1.

Figures from Code

Include a fig- prefix in the label for referencing:

For a demonstration of a line plot, see @fig-line-plot.

#| label: fig-line-plot
#| fig-cap: "A line plot "

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Div Syntax

To cross-reference a figure using div syntax, the image is followed by the caption inside the div:

  • For figures, wrap the image and caption in a fig- prefixed div:

    ::: {#fig-elephant}
    An Elephant
  • Reference figures from executable code by enclosing the code in a similar div:

    ::: {#fig-line-plot}
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    A line plot

Refer to figures with @fig-. To reference also the code, use code chunk options instead of div syntax: see Cross-References for Executable Code Blocks


Multiple Columns

You can group related figures in a div with a main caption. Use layout-ncol=2 for side-by-side images, ensuring proper spacing:

::: {#fig-elephants layout-ncol=2}



Famous Elephants

An artistic rendition of two elephant, Surus and Hanno.

Figure Panels

Omit #fig identifiers for figures without a main caption:

::: {layout-ncol=2}


An artistic rendition of two elephants, Surus and Hanno.

Exclude captions entirely by only including images:

::: {layout-ncol=2}


Multiple Rows

Use layout-nrow for specifying the number of rows:

::: {layout-nrow=2}


![Abdul Abbas](abdul-abbas.png)

![Lin Wang](lin-wang.png)

A 2x2 grid of pictures of elephants: Surus, Hanno, Lin Wang, and Abdul Abbas.

Caption Locations

  • Default location is below the figure.
  • Use fig-cap-location in the document header (yaml section) to change the location to top, bottom, or margin:
fig-cap-location: top

Custom Layouts

Use the layout attribute for complex layouts, such as two equal-sized figures in the first row and a single image spanning the second row.

::: {layout="[[1,1], [1]]"}


![Lin Wang](lin-wang.png)
  • The layout attribute uses a 2D array to define rows and columns.
  • "layout="[[1,1], [1]]" means two rows: the first with two equal columns and the second with one column.

Three elephant images are displayed: two side-by-side on the top row, captioned 'Surus' and 'Hanno', with a third image, 'Lin Wang', directly below spanning the width of the first two.

Define columns that occupy varying percentage widths of the row:

::: {layout="[[70,30], [100]]"}


![Lin Wang](lin-wang.png)

Use negative values to create space between elements:

::: {layout="[[40,-20,40], [100]]"}


![Lin Wang](lin-wang.png)

Three elephant pictures are arranged with two side-by-side in the first row, labeled 'Surus' on the left and 'Hanno' on the right, separated by whitespace. Below these, a larger image captioned 'Lin Wang' spans the combined width and height of the top row images.

Vertical Alignment

Control vertical alignment using the layout-valign attribute:

::: {layout="[15,-2,10]" layout-valign="bottom"}

![Lin Wang](lin-wang.png)

Two side-by-side elephant pictures: the left labeled 'Figure 1: Surus' is more than twice the size of 'Figure 2: Lin Wang' on the right.


Note that vertical alignment isn’t limited to images, you can also vertically align any other elements that are included in a panel.


  • Use chunk options label, fig-cap, and fig-link for ID, caption, and link respectively.
  • Use chunk options fig-align and fig-alt for alignment and alt text respectively.
  • Adjust default figure size with fig-width and fig-height in the document header.
  • Read more at Execution Options: Figure Options section.


The layout attributes also work for figures produced by executable code blocks. Here are examples for both Jupyter and Knitr:

#| layout-ncol: 2
#| fig-cap: 
#|   - "Line Plot 1"
#|   - "Line Plot 2"

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Two line plots rendered by Jupyter side-by-side.

#| layout-ncol: 2
#| fig-cap: 
#|   - "Speed and Stopping Distances of Cars"
#|   - "Vapor Pressure of Mercury as a Function of Temperature"


Two scatter plots arranged side-by-side.


Note that in these examples we also use the fig-cap option to apply a caption to each of the generated figures.


  • Create subcaptions for computational output by combining the fig-cap and fig-subcap options.
  • Optionally include a label with a fig- prefix. In this case, the figure will be numbered and cross-referenceable.
#| label: fig-charts
#| fig-cap: "Charts"
#| fig-subcap: 
#|   - "First"
#|   - "Second"
#| layout-ncol: 2

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Two line plots with captions rendered by Jupyter side-by-side.

#| label: fig-charts
#| fig-cap: "Charts"
#| fig-subcap: 
#|   - "Cars"
#|   - "Pressure"
#| layout-ncol: 2


Two scatter plots with captions arranged side-by-side.

Custom Layout

The layout works the same way for figures produced by Knitr or Jupyter. For example, here’s an Rmd code chunk that produces 3 plots and defines a custom layout for them:

#| layout: [[45,-10, 45], [100]]


Two side-by-side scatter plots of the `cars` and `pressure` datasets, with a larger plot below them visualizing the `mtcars` dataset across an 11x11 grid. The bottom plot, larger than the two above combined, maps all 11 variables against each other. The diagonal features text labels for each variable: 'mpg', 'cyl', 'disp', 'hp', 'drat', 'wt', 'qsec', 'vs', 'am', 'gear', and 'carb'.

Block Layout

Block contents with headings:

::: {layout-ncol=2}
### List One

- Item A
- Item B
- Item C

### List Two

- Item X
- Item Y
- Item Z

List One

  • Item A
  • Item B
  • Item C

List Two

  • Item X
  • Item Y
  • Item Z

Block contents without headings:

::: {layout-ncol=2}
- Item X
- Item Y
- Item Z

This is a paragraph displayed on the right side (second column).
  • Item X
  • Item Y
  • Item Z

This is a paragraph displayed on the right side (second column).

Use divs (:::) to divide complicated contents into blocks for the layout:

:::: {layout="[ 40, 60 ]"}

::: {#first-column}
# Some code
print("Hello World")

Some text that should be displayed below the code.

::: {#second-column}


The id attributes (#first-column and #second-column) are optional, but aid readability.

# Some code
print("Hello World")

Some text that should be displayed below the code.


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