
This guide provides the essentials for integrating R with Quarto. Perfect for R users of all levels, this tutorial covers:

  • Setup: Quick steps to install rmarkdown and prepare your environment.
  • Code Execution: Learn to run and control R code blocks within your Quarto documents.
  • Inline Code: Embed dynamic R code into your text for real-time updates.
  • Advanced Features: Explore chunk options and formatting to enhance your documents.


Install the rmarkdown R package.


Code Block

Executable R code blocks syntax: ```{r}. Example:

title: "R Code"

Example of code: 

print("Hellow World")

Inline Code

  • Embed live code in markdown with a single tick (`) instead of triple (```).
  • Example: Set radius in a code block and reference it in text with inline code.
radius <- 5

The radius of the circle is `{r} radius`

Use I() function for markdown syntax in inline expressions:

This is `{r} I("**bold**")`


Read rendering Quarto documents containing Python or R code blocks.

Chunk Options

In Quarto, chunk options are placed in comments at the top of code chunks, not in the chunk-start line:

#| echo: false
#| fig-cap: "Air Quality"

ggplot(airquality, aes(Temp, Ozone)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  geom_smooth(method = "loess", se = FALSE)

Options use YAML syntax, with !expr for R code in values as follow:

#| fig-cap: !expr 'paste("Air", "Quality")'

Output Formats

In Quarto, use the format key instead of output:

R Markdown

title: "My Document"
    toc: true
    number_sections: true
    css: styles.css


title: "My Document"
    toc: true
    number-sections: true
    css: styles.css

Quarto aligns with Pandoc, using - in options.

Data Frames

Control default data frame printing in your document with the df-print option. Choices include:

  • default: Uses the data frame’s standard S3 method.
  • kable: Generates a Markdown table via knitr::kable().
  • tibble: Displays a plain text table with the tibble package.
  • paged: Creates an HTML table with paging for large data via rmarkdown::paged_table().

To set paged printing for data frames:

title: "Document"
     df-print: paged

Knitr Options

For Knitr execution, set default chunk options in YAML:

title: "My Document"
format: html
    collapse: true
    comment: "#>"
    R.options: true

Use opts_knit for global settings. R.options sets temporary R options() pre-execution. Apply these settings document-wide or in a project’s _quarto.yml or _metadata.yml.


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